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Stoprocent. Check out the widest range of Stoprocent products in our on-line shop. Free shipment within 24h. Stoprocent is the first, uncompromising Polish clothing brand which was established in 1999. Dedicated to hip-hop culture as well as extreme sports and any other manifestations of awesomeness. The name itself symbolizes the whole and reminds us that we always have to perform at 100% when it comes to doing what we love and what is important to us. We try to implement this philosophy when creating our collections as well as in every aspect of our lives. In 2009 we made our début in the world of music by releasing the album of our mate Sobota - “Sobotaż”. This début was considered one of the best productions of the year, both by listeners and reviewers. Today we are not only creators of clothes, but also music, music videos, concerts and other, more or less legal actions related to hip-hop and extreme sports. When we were starting our business we only had passion and faith. Today we can proudly say that in the course of these 15 years we have become a small, but well-coordinated group of professionals and our brand has embedded in the landscapes of our streets. For that we must thank our customers, especially those, who not only buy our clothes, but also follow the rule: “Live a hundred percent until the end of your life”.
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