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Tech Deck

Tech Decks were introduced in 1998 by Steven Asher, then 12 years old. He was inside on a rainy day, and since he could not go outside to use his skateboard, he developed the idea for a mini-skateboard to do tricks with his fingers. He made this model using cardboard. His dad, a toy industry veteran, liked the idea so much that he realized there may actually be a market for these mini-boards. Boy, was he right! There are now more than 4,000 different real pro-designed Tech Decks on the market today. They come in single packages all the way up to six to a pack. The idea is to first put the Tech Deck together by adding designer wheels and stickers (that come in the package) to work just like a regulation sized skateboard. Once your board is ready, you are able to practice and perform tricks. There are constantly new models and, if you are lucky, you can find some that are not sold anymore.
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